| ladder 10 Feb 2010 A simple device to reach your goal step by step Tags: climb, ladder, rung, tread 1,836 views Quality rating: -20
| The old castle 8 Feb 2010 A sight of great interest despite its rate of decay Tags: history, stronghold, ruin, sight, rumors 2,351 views Quality rating: 30
| Worm and Apple 6 Feb 2010 The worm is growing by eating through the apple Tags: worm, apple, growth 2,471 views Quality rating: 40
| mirror image 28 Jan 2010 Passing a mirror, visible in the mirror for seconds Tags: mriror, image, visability, movement 2,312 views Quality rating: 35
| Soccer Team 17 Jan 2010 Model for functioning according to tactical concept Tags: Soccer, Modeling, Probability to function 1,838 views Quality rating: -29
| A special moment 9 Jan 2010 Often we don 't know why we are happy or successful. It just happens because of a special network. The stability of this state in uncertain. Tags: Moment, stability, network, uncertainty 1,871 views Quality rating: -25
Total views: 12,679